About Yoga therapy
Yoga is one among the six systems of Indian Hindu philosophies. The main aim of yoga is to teach means by which the human soul completely united with the supreme spirit pervading universe and secure the absolution.In modern days yoga is an essential element for a successful and contended life. Even though its main object is to achieve spiritual fulfillment, its physiological effects on the body can’t be ignored. This spiritual attainment can be had only when the physical body is in perfect health. Yoga therapy can effectively be used to combat the stress and to maintain and improve the health and to treat different diseases through the proper practice of yogasanas (yogic postures), pranayama (regulated breathing) yogic kriyas (cleansing techniques), meditation etc.
Naturopathy has origin India it self but it was neglected as it was part of life. Now after many years of battle with diseases, the importance of naturopathy is spreading all over the world but it is still in infancy stage.